Hey, I am Jahnavi Saxena 👋

As a dedicated second-year programming student, I am passionate about developing innovative solutions and eager to deepen my understanding of various programming languages and technologies.

About Me Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology

Get to know me!

As a second-year programming student at University of Petroleum Energy Studies I am deeply immersed in the world of software development and computer science. My journey so far has been an exciting exploration of coding languages, algorithms, and data structures. The collaborative environment and supportive faculty have fostered my problem- solving skills and encouraged me to tackle complex challenges with creativity and precision.

I am particularly interested in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and web development. By participating in internships, hackathons, and research projects, I aim to apply my knowledge in real-world scenarios and contribute to innovative tech solutions.

My Skills


Projects Here you will find some of the personal and clients projects that I created with each project containing its own case study

YouTube Clone

I created a YouTube clone using HTML and CSS, featuring a responsive layout with Flexbox and media queries. It includes a navigation bar, video grid, and playback section, styled with custom CSS to mimic YouTube's UI


Spotify Clone

I created a Spotify clone using HTML and CSS, featuring a responsive layout with Flexbox and media queries. It includes a navigation bar, playlist grid, and playback controls, styled with custom CSS to replicate Spotify's UI.


Student Attendance Management

AttendanceMinder is a simple tracker and reminder system for attendance. The primary objectives of this project include simplifying attendance management tasks, improving data accuracy, and providing a convenient tool for educators or administrators to track attendance effectively.



This Rock Paper Scissors project uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive game. HTML structures the game elements, CSS enhances the visuals, and JavaScript manages the game logic, allowing users to play against a computer and see real-time results and scores.

